Never Mind

Never Mind Magazine is a place to celebrate artists of all mediums. A print and digital space where young creatives can say "never mind" to the society that doesn’t celebrate our differences. Never Mind represents a demand for change, and a community to celebrate our passions.

Hello my name is Emma Walker, I'm an artist, SCAD student, and the Editor-in-Cheif of Never Mind Magazine. I founded Never Mind in 2020 during the height of covid I was17, stuck at home seeing everything happening in the world, BLM movement, and injustices. I wanted a way to help contribute to everything happening. I immediately turned to my passion of art as an outlet and I found a community of artists online doing similar things, creating art about current events which inspired me to create a platform for young artists to share their work while also donating to causes. And that is how Never Mind Magazine came to be, a platform in a print and digital space for artists to find community, share their art and voices.
For more about me and my art check out my site here.